Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Big Ol' Butt!

Okay so over the summer I have managed to gain 8 of the 50 pounds I had lost back.  I am sure this has to do with my stress level and the fact that it is almost impossible to eat healthy on a budget!  And once I start eating stuff that is not good for me I want to eat a bunch of stuff that is not good for me.
Anyway all of that is besides the point.  The point is I feel yucky and it is really hard to get through a semester feeling yucky.  So here is what I am proposing, I make myself accountable to all of my Facebook peeps.  Every week on Sunday morning I will weigh myself and every Sunday I will post how much weight I have lost or gained....that way EVERYONE will know and it will help me to stay on track.  Now, I am not going to post how much I self respecting female would do that especially a female that is as fat as I am, but I will post how much I have lost or gained every week.  I am looking forward to meeting this challenge, and you all can do me a favor.  if you don't see my Sunday weigh in post by the time you go to bed on Sunday...let me know about it!  Thanks in advance for all of your help and support you have all been wonderful so far!  Here's to a smaller butt!

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