Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Health Care Reform Paper for Government Class.

Hey all of you awesome blog readers. School is back in session which means you get to read pretty much everything I write and turn in. This assignment is for my U.S. Government class. The assignment was to find an article any article that had to do with the Federal Government and give a summary paragraph as well as a paragraph that includes our opinion of the article as well as our opinion of the subject matter. I can be pretty long winded when it comes to health care (see my health care paper I turned in for English Comp) I hope you all read this and the attached article and form your own opinion....a well informed opinion.

Here is the link for the article I read: www.newsweek.com/id/214254/output/print

It seems these days you cannot flip on your radio, TV or computer and not hear about the Obama administrations proposed Health Care plan. I found the article “The Five Biggest Lies in the Health Care Debate” by Sharon Begley writing for Newsweek, in my daily news reading on MSN’s homepage. It details the five biggest lies about health care reform that are currently being circulated around America. The lies cover a vast range from; having our choice in health benefits taken away, illegal immigrants will get free health care, the government will set doctors wages and the last two are my personal favorites, that a “death panel”, one of Sarah Palin’s claims, will convene to determine when old people should “throw in the towel” and that anyone over 70 years of age will not be eligible for chemotherapy should they need it. The article states where exactly the lie started as well as the individual who started it. This is where it gets interesting. Almost all of these lies were started by right wing conservatives that picked one sentence, on one page, of the 1.017 page bill and skewed it to fit their lie. The author of the article goes on to defeat each lie in turn and give the actual facts as well as where to find correct information that is surrounding the myth.

I am a huge proponent for universal health care so of course this article caught my eye. I always want to know what the other side is talking about and what they could possibly be so upset about. I believe that we should adopt a single payer system; I know that I may not see this in my lifetime and I am prepared for that however, I do believe that this administrations plan is a step in the right direction. I believe that the health of the nation is the responsibility of the nation and a basic right that we all deserve. The President just wants all Americans to have health insurance. He wants to stop the needless suffering and death of hundreds of thousands of people. When I see articles like this I am encouraged that perhaps someone who believes these lies will read it and rethink their position. However, I would also love to think that common sense would take over when you read something that says the government is going to refuse seniors chemo therapy if they are over the age of 70. I would hope that no one would believe something so ridiculous. The article at the end mentions that some believe that health care reform is unconstitutional; the author did mention that we should disprove these ourselves and look at Article I, section 8 of the constitution. So I did, having never read it myself, and sure enough it says in the first paragraph of section 8, “The Congress shall have the power to … provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States …” I tend to believe that “general Welfare of the United States” includes the health and well being of our entire nation and not just that of the ones that are wealthy enough to afford it.

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